“Celebrating Girlhood: Understanding What a girl wants?…What a Girl Needs?”

Isn’t this a very complicated topic. I mean no person in the world can describe this thing in proper. You could expertise yourself in any subject except this, because looks like even a girl knows nothing about what she thinks, feels and needs Yeah! No doubt that they are an amazing creation. Just imagine your…

Isn’t this a very complicated topic. I mean no person in the world can describe this thing in proper. You could expertise yourself in any subject except this, because looks like even a girl knows nothing about what she thinks, feels and needs

Yeah! No doubt that they are an amazing creation. Just imagine your life without them! These creations sometimes doesn’t know about themselves too. I mean they refuse for certain things(tiny pleasures), but in reality they need it. These girls wants someone perfect, who can understand them, their needs and can handle all their emotions.

World think them as ‘cry-babies’. Is it so? To be honest, yes they are cry-babies, but at times they are the most strongest people. They can bare all sorts of pain in their heart still give a cute smile. When a girl opens-up in front of you, it means you are very special to her. She thinks you as a person who can understand all storms of emotions flooding into her. Never tease her for this habit, because looks like she believes in you, so she dares to shed tears in front of you. Else she could weep alone under her blanket late at night or in the bathroom, to avoid the world.

It isn’t always mandatory that she cries out of pain. There are innumerable reasons for a girl to shed tears. Some of which are mentioned here:

  1. She is very happy with you (call it as ‘khusi ke aasu‘).
  2. Something has really touched her heart (heartfelt gestures by you).
  3. You have hurt her badly.
  4. She’s being ignored.
  5. She’s missing out on someone or something.
  6. Recalling some painful(sometimes beautiful) past experience.

Girls! Mail me if you have other reasons too.

Let’s not take them as cry-babies always. Just recall the moments where they can bare the most deadliest pains with a smile. According to study, the period cramps, the labour pain are the hardest pain, but still they bare it all. The mood swings are no less than any pain. Their mood changes in some fractions of time. Sometimes these mood changes irritate them too. These are the times she needs you, your presence, your patience atmost.

What are things that makes a girl happy?

Your time

The most priceless thing for her is your time. No thing can compare her to your presence or just the time she spends with you. If she’s tired and still wants to spend time with you, then your time gives her worldly happiness.

Tiny gestures of love

Make her feel special. Make her feel that she is your priority. Though formal, but show her some gestures of love, where she can feel herself special and lucky. Give her mini surprises (you can also gift her at times). Every little (even silly) thing by you can get rainbows in her life. For her, gifts are priceless and even the silliest thing is precious.

Involve her into your life

Talk to her about your day spent, be it a good or bad thing(even the boring stories fascinates her).She would never judge you for any of your actions; instead would make you understand if you go wrong. Discuss about your lives together. You can also share all the good and bad memories with her, as she will never judge you about those incidences.

Never compliment negatively on her looks

Though you both have a great bonding, but no girl likes a negative compliment coming her way. Yeah but she loves it when showered with good compliments. A girl wants herself to be loved the way she is. She might already have had many untold sacrifices, so she deserves to be respected the way she is!

Make her feel safe

The girl/women portrays her true-self only when she feels secured around you. Make her feel safe and secured, be it physically or mentally. Make her feel that all the sacrifices made doesn’t go in vain, her efforts never vanish in air. Make her feel that she and her future is safe and secured with you.

Pamper her like a kid

Though girls behave mature while facing the world, she loves to be pampered like a kid. She loves to be childish, so pamper her like a kid. Give her chocolates (these are all-time favourite, be it of any age) or whatever she loves. Scold her for not taking care of her, make her sleep and do all those stuffs that makes her smile.

Appreciate her

A girl will never ask for this, and at times she might also say ‘no’ to this. But deep down she loves to be complicated and recognized for her efforts. She loves when her untold efforts and activities are being recognized.

“She’s a mess with a sensitive heart and messy, but strong mind”

Looks like this statement proves to be true with our discussions made above. She’s indeed a messy creature with a super sensitive heart and strong mind (yeah, messy too!!! as it always remains in a mess to decide something. Be it a dress or a favourite cuisine)

So guys looks like we have spoke alot about these freaky creatures(girls). Do lemme know your opinions in the comment section. Till then see you guys super soon with a new blog and new talks!!

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