“Overthinking No More: Your Path to a Stress-Free Mind”

Overthinking is a disease! Don’t you fit in my shoe? It kills us from inside, and also outside. It’s a drug to the human body, it makes us hallucinate things. We hallucinate about our past, our unpredictable future or the most negative side of our own selves Sometimes it might be due to lack of…

Overthinking is a disease! Don’t you fit in my shoe? It kills us from inside, and also outside. It’s a drug to the human body, it makes us hallucinate things. We hallucinate about our past, our unpredictable future or the most negative side of our own selves

Sometimes it might be due to lack of trust on someone/something; Isn’t it? To be logically speaking we create our own perspective about something, this results due to lack of trust (might not be in all the cases). When we trust someone, we know their perception, this creates trust and satisfaction in us. So overall it could be said that trust plays a very important role in one’s life. 

At certain times you curse your own self for making certain decisions in the past. Or might also curse for not being serious about the future, which is a complete mystery! Is it necessary to give your tiny brain a jigsaw puzzle rather than comforting it to relax. So why not stop these extra non-sense thoughts.

Overthinking is an art of creating problems that don’t exist.” –Anonymous

So well said, its truly an art of making tiny problems look giant issues which sometimes might not exist at all. Overthinking is like making an elephant out of an ant (making the problem look giant). According to a survey, every 8 out of 10 are prone to overthinking.

What leads to overthinking?

  1. Overthinking results from stress and anxiety. Due to this it declines the mental health. 
  2. It could be due to worrying about your past mistakes or your future happenings.
  3. It might arise even due to the competitive vibe from our own selves.
  4. In relationships it might be due to lack of quality time and/or understanding.
  5. Taking certain decisions might be challenging and this leads to replaying its pros and cons.

Impacts of Overthinking

  1. Disturbed sleep due to non-stop working of mind on senseless topics
  2. Destroyed relationships due to lack of trust or hallucinating things.
  3. Stressed mind for always being on doubt.
  4. Reduced productivity as the brain is occupied with useless thoughts.
  5. Difficulty in decision making as you always worry out the cons.

Overthinking as a friend

Overthinking need not to be always for a bad cause, it might also lead to a good result:

  1. Analyse the impact of your decision.
  2. Preparation for the bad cause as you would already have analysed this result.
  3. Understanding your own self and improvising the negative.
  4. Leads to creativity and innovation, due to multiple replays.
  5. Remember, those who overthink, they over-love.

How to overcome overthinking?

  1. Think of problem-solving rather than elevating the problem.
  2. Compete against your negative thoughts by thinking positive.
  3. Meditate to relax your mind.
  4. Divert your mind.
  5. Keep your mind busy, because an empty mind is a devil’s workshop.
  6. Share it with the person you trust, might be a friend or a family member. You may get to listen the magic words which you need to hear.
  7. Most importantly identifying the moment you overthink, because sometimes it becomes a habit which you cannot recognize. So noticing this habit can help you overcome it.


Overthinking might seem like a villain of your life, but the above points to overcome it could be your saviour. So understanding overthinking and it consequences might help in overcoming it. Taking the life on easy note and accepting the bad just like accepting the good which are completely unpredictable could be your happy pill. So get ready to bid good-bye to overthinking and welcoming a stress-free life, as your brain deserves rest too! So move from Chaos to Clarity and conquer overthinking for good.

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